Before using your account, please read and understand the rules and guidelines.
Posting in the forums means that you agree to these guidelines and vow to obey them at all times.
1. Defamatory, racist, hateful, pornographic, illegal or insulting content must be avoided on this forum. You must respect the fact that people may have a different opinion than you. If you are in conflict with another member, please use PMs for that, this board is not an arena!
2. Flood and off-topic : Flood must be avoided. One-word posts such like "lol", "rofl" or a single smiley must be avoided.
You must also avoid to post the same topic twice, it will not be faster for you to get a response.
3. No flaming or spamming. Keep posts on topic and no put downs! If you have something to say, say it on ONE post! Unless you have a good reason, don't post tons of posts to say one thing just to get your post count up!
4. No derogatory comments based on religion or race.
5. Avatars and signatures must be PG Rated and cannot advertise fighting, drug abuse, or sexually explicit material.
6. Treat other members with respect.
7. If a thread has been dormant for over a week do not quote and respond to an old post. If you have a new thought or something interesting, please feel free to post, but do not drag up old conversations.
Thanks & Godbless!!!